Homeless couple receives backlash for saying employment is not for them

Leland Brown Jr. and Breanna from Hatfield, Pennsylvania, have stirred controversy by choosing a tent lifestyle over traditional work. Sharing their views with 178,000 TikTok followers, they argue, “Homelessness isn’t wrong if you’re looking at it from our perspective.”

They prefer “houselessness” to “homelessness,” calling it a “flex” and highlighting their survival skills honed in unconventional living conditions. Responses vary, with some supporting their autonomy and others skeptical of their choices.

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Launching a GoFundMe campaign for financial stability, they’ve raised only $162 of their $10,000 goal. Their past and present circumstances remain unclear, with conflicting reports about their employment history.

The couple claims they’re “too smart” to seek traditional work and prioritize time with Leland Jr.’s son. Critics doubt their sincerity, suggesting their lifestyle avoids responsibility rather than embracing homelessness by choice.

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