Woman Who ‘Died And Spent Three Days In Heaven’ Shares Chilling Discovery She Made About Future

A woman who claims to have “died and spent three days in heaven” has shared a chilling revelation about the future.

Julie Poole, a self-proclaimed spiritual master, has built a career around helping others with her teachings. However, her journey to spirituality was fraught with hardship, as she endured “physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse” from a young age. Despite these challenges, Poole believes they brought her closer to spirituality and personal empowerment.

Open about her experiences, Poole has frequently written about them. Recently, she recounted her near-death experience following a suicide attempt.

In her 20s, Poole took an overdose of her medication and claims she “died,” finding herself in a heaven-like “spirit realm.” There, she said she was given visions of humanity’s future.

“I suddenly saw my guides and my angels around me and then they lifted me up, and took me up to the Higher Realms. I just remember saying ‘I’m going home’ and they said ‘No you’re not, it’s not your time,’” she recalled.

The spirits allegedly told her, “We did warn you it would be too hard and too overwhelming, and now here you are at 21 trying to check out.”

Poole said she returned to her earthly body three days later but vividly remembers the final words from these beings. They promised her that between 2012 and 2032 would mark the beginning of a new “Golden Age” for humanity.

Poole explained, “What we mean by the Golden Age is that for millennia now there has been an enormous amount of power, abuse and control… all of that has been held by the few and has controlled the masses. This Golden Age is bringing an equality across the board, so that which is false and fake and untrue and corrupt will fall away.”

Poole firmly believes in this vision and asserts that we are approaching a “day of reckoning.”

“It’s coming up not so that we can have some sort of Armageddon, but the people in power that are corrupt are getting found out,” she continued. “They’re getting caught and kicked out, and people that have a pure heart and pure intentions are coming in instead.”

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